Friday, September 12, 2008

Part two and three of Mistakes Traders Make...

Hi Traders

I expect to hear a good new of your trading result of the past trading weeks...
What's I prepared for you look at below....

Part three of Mistakes Traders make...

This is incredible -- I can't believe they just threw this
stuff up on YouTube -- I'm talking about the continuing
interview series between Serious Trader and Bill Poulos on
the Mistakes Traders Make and the next segment was on not
having a trading plan (or a trading method).

Mistakes Traders Make

It's really insightful -- you know what I was thinking about
afterward? How we spend so much money on general education
and college so we can just 'get a job' and yet, how much do
we really invest in ourselves to learn how to 'get a life'?

I mean, who wants to be working when they're 75? Go ahead,
raise your hand if that's you...because me? I want to be on
the French Riveria, or in Paris, or skiing the Rockies...the
last thing I want to be doing is pouring some 20 year old's
grande non fat decaf vanilla cappuccino...if you know what I

I'll shout out when Part Four is this rate, I may
even scream.

Part two of Mistake traders Make...

Wow. Just wow. When I get to hear someone talk about
trading, and it becomes clear that they know what they're
talking about, I get thrills and chills.

I just finished watching part two of the interview series
between Serious Trader and Bill Poulos on the topic of Risk
Management. It's really clear Bill gets it -- he really
understands stock trading and how to trade and how to teach
people to trade, because usually a lot of folks talk about
managing risk, but they don't take the time to explain how
emotions get in the way or how 'scared' traders losing money
make for bad traders...if you haven't caught any of this,
you really should.

This series, which is over on YouTube, is called

Mistakes Traders Make

The first two parts have been on the money --
I'm really looking forward to part three.

When I see it, you'll know.


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