Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Your "second chance" at the Real Wealth Income Generator...

Hi Traders

Last week I let you in on what has turned out to be one the
biggest trading surprises of the year:
-The Real Wealth Income Generator
This step-by-step trading program & companion Trade Alert
Software from 40 year trader Bill Poulos is a multi-media
powerhouse that reveals one of the quickest & most flexible ways
to create short-term income & build long-term wealth in 20
minutes or less a night...
-ESPECIALLY if you're inexperienced & have little time.
In less than a week, the initial # of programs Bill set aside
for his new students quickly sold out, and for good reason:
* Those lucky individuals who claimed their copy before it
expired figured out that NOW is one of the best times ever to
trade "real asset" based stocks & ETFs because of the huge
volatility being created by the instability of the global
The profit potential right now is awesome & EXTRA lucrative.
Now that the initial wave of new student inquiries has settled
down a bit, Bill has decided to take on a few more new students
- but only through Thursday, June 21st, at 11:59pm Eastern (New
York time).
He's not saying how many more he'll take on, but I know this for
a fact:
* He's only letting in a small, limited number...
* The doors close next THURSDAY...

And, it would not surprise me if he pulled his 'second chance'
offer down early, especially if he gets more students than he
can handle.
So, if you have ANY interest in getting in on what I think many
traders will end up calling THE trading event of 2012, go here
to see if any copies are still available...

Good Trading,

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