Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sit back and let the Forex Espionage Trading Robot do the work for you as you cash in with five figure paydays

Hi Traders

Hope that you have a good trading position this week....

In case the term “Forex” is new to you, it’s short for Foreign
Exchange. It describes the international currency markets where
U.S. Dollars, Japanese Yen, Euros and other currencies are traded.

Here’s what most people don’t know...

Forex is a gargantuan market. It makes the U.S. stock market look
like a mom-and-pop store next to Walmart.

Now here’s part two of that reality...

Have you see how easy it was for people to lose their life savings
in the stock market since late 2007? Well, it’s even easier with
Forex. You can lose your shirt in a blink.

But Steven Lee Jones is going to change all of that.

Forex trading isn’t easy.

The mechanics of trading are nothing special, really. You buy and
sell, take losses and take profits. Normal stuff.

But what most people don’t get before they dive in is that Forex
trading is like stock or options trading on steroids. It’s an
emotional roller-coaster that can crush you.

Consider this...

Let’s say you’ve scratched and saved and sacrificed to put together
a trading stake. Let’s say that’s $2,500.

Now let’s say you put on a Forex trade that risks $1,500 of that

Forex moves FAST, so you could put on the trade and be down fifty
percent in literally seconds, definitely minutes, and certainly
hours. I’m not talking about days here. I’m talking about the time
it takes you to fetch the mail from your mailbox.

So now you’re down $750. What do you do?

Here’s where most people get absolutely shell-shocked, because most
people have NO idea what to do next.

Many will hang on thinking the trade will come back. But they don’t
think about what that means.

To get back to even, that position will have to rise a hundred
percent from where it is now. That’s right, it’ll have to double.
How likely is that? Are you SURE?

But here’s the wacky nature of Forex trading for you. Let’s say you
decide you’ll take the loss. As soon as you do, the position
skyrockets and you see that within minutes you would’ve had a
profit...if you had only stayed longer.

Do you see what’s going on? It’s an emotional whipsaw that just
about guarantees you’ll be frozen with fear the very next time you
decide to put on a trade.

And scared money doesn’t make any money.

Steven has been there and experienced the same thing. He got sick
of it. Now he’s figured out how to overcome it all, and he’s
revealing the secret in this
free video...

I won’t reveal too much in this email. Watch the video to get the
full story for yourself.

But I will tell you one thing.

Steven has developed a way that you can trade the Forex markets
confidently nearly every single day, with over 90 percent winning
trades...and you don’t have to lift a finger to do it.

I know that sounds ridiculous, but I give you my word it’s true.

Watch the free video and see for yourself...

Have a nice Day

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