is founded to provide Forex News and offer Reputable Forex Trading Platform, Forex Trading Strategyes,Forex Education and Live Forex Training worldwide...
Hope you're fine, before the you're going on weekend to relax take a look...
Now, finally, no matter your previous experience with investing you can trade Forex profitably --consistently and automatically.
Can you imagine getting insider information on Forex that will allow you to profit every single day? Well, now it's possible thanks to the world's most advanced Forex trading robot.
You see, this ingenious invention uses complex mathematical algorithms and technical analysis to determine winning Forex trades, effortlessly and automatically.
By scrutinizing the miniscule movements in the markets... Forex Maestro becomes familiar... even intimate... with what is trading up or down...
Developing what professional traders call a "sixth sense". A sort of "feel" for how the currencies will behave in any given situation.
This robot can now be YOUR weapon for generating staggering profit with Forex, as it has just been released to the general public at a mind blowing introductory price
How are you Today...hope you have enough success on Forex market...
One of the assistants in the Surefire Trading Challenge has been quietly and discreetly trading one of the winning systems. He kept it under wraps because he didn't want anyone else to know what he was doing until he was sure it worked.
This guy knew next to nothing about trading but he made $4,830 in nine days. Not only that, he made 26 trades and only had one losing trade. That's a hit rate of 96.15%
He started with $5,000 and nine days later he had $9,830. That's a 96.6% gain.
How did he do it...
He was using one of the winners of the Surefire Trading Challenge systems. It's called the D8D3 system, and he just loves it.
Was he a genius...
No, the simple fact is he just copied one of the 6 best Forex trading systems in the world and you can do the same.
Today I'm going to reveal to you how to beat the Forex market.
Actually, that's an understatement. With what I'm going to teach you in this email, you will be able... if you choose ... to go out and slaughter the market.
There are a zillion different ways people use to try and trade but why would you plod along when you could let your trading take off by just copying one of the best verified Forex systems in the world.
================================ Why Blaze A New Trail When The Road Is Already Paved ================================
These are no ordinary systems. There were all developed by the first 6 competitors out of 569 challengers. Just look at the results:
Ahmad A - 2,307.78% in one month Nurudeen U - 1,120.77% in one month Udochi E - 1,1014.05 on one month Obiliza M - 927.93% in one month Marcos M - 200.12% in one month JanetteMarie B - 156.23% in one month
All the systems are fully disclosed!
You will be able to:
- Instantly copy their unique systems
- Get all the details of the 6 best Forex systems in the world
- Learn how to achieve head spinning results others can only dream of
- In-depth interviews with all the winners
- The exact steps they went through to make their systems profitable
- Explanations on how they manage to work full-time and still produce massive gains
- Where to get proprietary indicators most traders have never heard of
- The names of the currencies they trade
- What THEY think is really important to make it in trading
- What advice they would give to a new trader starting out
- Access to the members forum where the winners and professional traders hangout
I haven't even touched on the rest of the stuff. Everything you need to succeed is right here...
Here's the problem...
I don't even know if all the available spots will go today, but it certainly looks like it. Finish this and get over there.
Tomorrow for a short time you will be able to get 6 systems that you wouldn't normally be able to get at any price. These are not ordinary systems.
- Each system has been carefully verified to make sure what they claimed is true, that they made at least 10 trades during the month and they achieved the results in one month.
- Each system is fully disclosed. Not only did they disclose all the details, but they were then grilled in an interview you can download. Each unique part of their systems are laid out in a simple format you can understand.
- Each of the 569 traders who entered had to obey the same ground rules, but only 6 made the cut.
The secrets with each of the systems are so powerful... honestly... you could trade just about any account.
They are not authors, they are traders who wanted to test their systems against some of the brightest minds in the world and won.
"Champion Of The Surefire Trading Challenge Will Give You Over 30 minutes Of The Best Advice You Will Ever Get, And Prove To You That What You Are Doing Now Is Probably Wrong"
For the next 72 hours only, you can listen to one of the winners of the Surefire Trading Challenge. He gained over 200% in one month with a live account trading real money. This was so good that they nicknamed him the "Spaniard". This is one of the best interviews I have heard. You can just tell this guy has been through what you have been through. You just know this guy is for real. Listen to it here...
Apart from everything else, this guy is busier than most of us, holds down a full-time job and still manages to produce one of the best trading systems that made 200% in the contest.
It all goes to prove one thing...
========================== You don't have to have some special gift to become a great trader! ==========================
It's critical that you start to listen to real people who trade every day. You have to make sure your source of information is reliable, and there is no better way to do that than listen to someone who has just had their account verified.
P.S. There's only one day left for the limited copies of the 6 best trading systems in the world. They will be released on Tuesday 24th at 9 AM EST. Get ready!
How are you on the end of this trading week...hope it have been successful for you...what's have new for you...keep reading...
As promised, I have more information on the "6 Best Forex Trading Systems In The World", that could easily double your trading account. These systems have all been verified. These systems are like road maps to success in trading. They are like a bright light in the darkness. Each one of these systems are brilliant, but what's even more fascinating are the people behind the systems.
They are just ordinary people who have come up with unique ways to trade the markets. I've been lucky enough to see this video and I can tell you, it's just great. It sort of explains what the trading challenge is all about and gives you the results of the best systems.
Hope you're ready for new trading let's take action... Would you be pleased if you made 50% of your account every month? Your money would double EVERY two months - you could start with $10,000 and become a millionaire very quickly - 13 months to be exact. Start with $100,000 and you're there in 7 months.
Now what if I told you there were traders who make over 900% a month, no wait, let me really rock your world. What if I told you there were traders who made 2000% a month verified!
These are real people who trade every day and what's even more astounding is they all have full- time jobs. These traders have such an unique perspective on trading that they virtually changed the rules on how it's done.
And they are going to tell you how they did it.....
I have been told the final preparations for the release are almost finished. Tomorrow I am going to find out where we can get more information on the best kept secret in trading history. As soon as I know more I will post on the blog
All I can say is come back tomorrow.
All the best P.S. In the next 72 hours I'm going to find out exactly who made what and how they did it, and I am going to pass it on to you as soon as I get it.
How are you...hope you're fine and ready to take new lesson to improve your trading knowledge...
There are many factors that affect the Forex trading. When learning to trade on the Forex is it important to know and understand the various factors that cause the Forex to fluctuate from day to day. The foreign exchange market will change depending on the several economic factors that play a role in the movement of currency.
When looking at the Forex, economic factors and indicators are released by the government or by private organizations that can look in depth at economic performances. The economic performances from any country can be analysis by these indicators. The economic reports measure a country’s economic health, in addition to government policies and current events.
Most of the time, a reputable broker can look at economic indicators and can give advice on which trades will be the best. Reports on these indicators are released at scheduled times and can tell if a certain country is experiencing improvement in the economy or if it is on the decline. When the prices fluctuate, a great deal one way or the other, the price can be affected.
One of the top economic indicators used when analyzing the Forex is current events and the state of the economy in any given nation. Factors such as unemployment numbers, housing statistics and the current state of a country’s government can all affect the changes in the Forex. When a country is feeling good about the current state of affairs in their country, the prices of the Forex will reflect this. When a nation experiences political unrest, large amounts of unemployed workers and inflation, the rate of the currency will also be reflected. Sometimes, this indicator tends to be overlooked, but can serve as an important gauge in the fluctuations of the Forex.
Another economic indicator that is used when looking at the foreign exchange market is the gross domestic product, also called the GDP. This is normally considered the widest and broadest measure of the economy in a country. The gross domestic product represents the total market value of all goods and services that are normally produced within any given country. This is usually measured in the time frame of a year, and not in weeks or months. Using a larger time period gives good statistics on the products and services that are produced in the country. This indicator is not used alone when forecasting the Forex. Usually the gross domestic product is considered a lagging indicator, meaning that is a measurable factor that changes after the economy has already began to follow a certain trend.
The third economic factor that is often used in analyzing the Forex is the retail sales reports. This is the total receipt of all retail stores in any country. Usually, this measurement is not every single retail sale, but is a sample of diverse retail stores throughout the country. This is considered a very reliable and important economic indicator because of the consumer spending patterns that are expected throughout the year. This factor is usually more important that lagging indicators and give a clear picture of the state of the economy in any country.
The industrial production report is another reliable economic indicator in the foreign exchange market. This shows the fluctuation in productions in industries such as factories, minds, and utilities. The report looks at what is actually produced in relation to what the production capacity can be over a period of time. When a country is producing at a maximum capacity in this way, it can positively affect the Forex and is considered ideal conditions for traders.
The last important economic factor in analyzing the Forex is the consumer price index or the CPI. The consumer price index is the measure of the change in the prices of consumer goods in 200 categories. This report can tell whether or not a country is making or losing money on their products and services. The exports that a country has are very important when looking at this indicator because the amount of exports can reflect a currency’s weakness or its strength.
The Forex is affected by many factors. These factors usually follow a certain trend so it is important to understand how each factor works in forecasting the Forex. Some are good indicators alone while others should be used together for accurate Forex predications.
Hope you're gather enough trading information for this trading week...
What's you have to know:
When considering forex trading as a profit making venture, it is important to work out winning strategies beforehand if at all possible. Making decisions regarding your forex trading and developing a strategy can be seen as your foundation. With your strategy you will optimize your risk with respect to the expected reward, or put the odds in your favor. Trading strategies should be disciplined and limit risk, while placing you at the most favorable advantage in the market. One strategy is the simple moving away average, which is based on a technical study over twelve periods, with each period fifteen minutes in length. This is a good example of a trading decision that is arrived at through strategy.
A simple algorithm is used in this strategy. When currency price crosses above the twelfth period, simply move away it is a signal to stop and reverse. In this way a long position will be liquidated and a short position will be established, both using market orders. This system will keep trades always in the market, with either a short position or a long position after the first signal.
Another strategy is of support and resistance levels. This is another technical analysis strategy and derives support and resistance. The idea is that the market tends to trade above support levels and trade below resistance levels. If either a support or a resistance level is broken, then the market will follow through is the direction given. These levels can be determined by analysis of the chart and assessment of where the chart has encountered unbroken support or resistance in times past.
Anther strategy that many see as exotic is called the balloon strategy. A balloon option is an option that balloons, or increases in size when triggers are reached. For example, if an investor believes that the dollar will gain strength against the Euro in the near future and is currently trading at 100, the investor will see 110 as being strong resistance, but the investor also believes it will be broken. So, rather than buying straight dollars at 100 for the next six months the investor will purchase at “at the money” balloon call with a 110 trigger and multiple of two. The investor will then own a 100 call in USD110mm. But if the dollar and Euro ever trade at or above 110, the 110 call will double to USD 20mm.
The double bottom is another strategy worth looking at. The double bottom is significant to the short term trader as double bottoms indicate a possible major change in sentiment and trend. The pattern is used on all times frames, and many powerful intraday and long term bull markets are conceived from this setup. Double bottoms reflect strong support levels. When prices fail to break support in the down trending markets on more than one occasion we see powerful changes of trend. These reversal signals are meaningful. The most common entry point where a trader will open on a double bottom trade is on a move through the high of the two troughs. This high will represent secondary resistance, and when penetrated confirms a price reversal. The stops are placed around the lows of he patters because a move below lows negates the pattern premise.
Another good potential strategy is the ichimoku chart. These charts are following indicators, which identify support and resistance levels and create trading signals in a way that is similar to moving averages. A big difference however between the two is that the Ichimoku chart lines shift forward in time, creating wider support and resistance zones and decreasing the risk of trading false breakouts. They are calculated using information on trend existence, direction, support and resistance.
The four main lines are: Turning Line = (Highest High + Lowest Low) / 2, for the past nine days Standard Line = (Highest High + Lowest Low) / 2, for the past twenty-six days Leading Span 1 = (Standard Line + Turning Line) / 2, plotted twenty-six days ahead of today Leading Span 2 = (Highest High + Lowest Low) / 2, for the past fifty days, plotted twenty-six days ahead of today’s date.
Whichever strategy you choose to use, devote as much study as possible to increase your chances of gain and profit...
Hope you're fine and you have a trading success this week...
The idea behind forex trading is of course to make money. However, like any speculative investment, there is a change of loosing money. The same holds true with the stock market and the commodities market, and in business itself. Any investment that has a chance of great gain will also have a certain level of risk. As a forex trader you will want to minimize your chance of risk. Do it in these ways.
· Stay informed. Read the news magazines and political events journals. Know what is happening in the world politically. · Have a good understanding of economics. Take a college econ course if you never have. Read the journals of economics and books by economists like John Maynard Keyes, Kenneth Galbraith and Walter Williams. · Read periodicals like the Wall Street Journal and Business Investors Daily. · Open up a practice demo account and use it before you get into the market. · Have a broker you trust. · Cultivate friendships with other traders who know their stuff. · Look at the historical trends. Read and study forex charts. · Take a course in forex trading to get your skills up to snuff. · Research forex on the Internet. · And finally, only invest money that you can actually afford to loose if worse comes to worse. Then you won’t be out of the game completely.
Forex trading is not a game for the timid. Jerry Sparks was a forex trader who did very well for years. He followed all of the rules. His college degree was in history with a minor in political science and he went back and took extra courses in economics and business. Jerry stayed informed. He watched CNN, CNBC, MSNBC and Fox News often. He went to all the major web sites and read several magazines. He also spent time with a demo account before he got into the market in a big way. Jerry was determined to make a killing, and he eventually did. Jerry also only invested money that he had designated as risk capital. He could still live without it if needed.
Sam Franks, Jerry’s friend, didn’t do as well. Sam never took an economics course in his life and in fact was bored by Economics. He knew nothing of history or politics and didn’t even know who John Maynard Keyes was. Sam took his life savings and invested in forex trading without having spent time practicing with a demo account. He knew nothing of the currencies he was trading, and didn’t know what historical trends were, or what activity was occurring. He knew nothing of inflation, and in the end he lost some of his money. The difference in these two people is important. One was prepared and the other was not prepared. One made money and the other did not. One did his homework and one neglected it. What you can learn from this is that it is better to be prepared.
By knowing something about other countries and the activities happening over there, you’ll be better able to make educated guesses. For instance, if there is a great deal of inflation in a country, you may not want to invest in its currency. However, if you are hedging against that currency you may do well. Remember that it is never too late to learn. There are many good courses available online, and offline. There are many great books to read. Many economists write newspaper and magazine columns and many have web sites you can go to. By doing so you’ll be able to learn at the feet of the masters. See how their minds work, and what currencies they are currently investing in, and you’ll be in a better place when it comes time to make those hard decisions yourself. Also going online and meeting other people in forums and chat rooms who share your interest will give you more insight and knowledge. Like anything else in life, forex trading is a job that you must prepare for. The better educated you are, and the better prepared you are, the more likely you will be to be successful....
When learning to read forex charts, remember that there are two basic approaches for online forex trading. They are fundamental analysis and technical analysis. Fundamental analysis doesn’t rely on forex charts. It uses both political and economic factors to help determine trades. Charts here are only used as a reference. Technical analysis on the other hand will try to predict where the prices are going by analysis of historical price activity. Those who use technical analysis study the relationship between price and time.
The most traded pair of currencies is the Euro and the US dollar, so we will use them in our example. The dollar is on the right hand side of the chart and the Euro is on the left hand side. The currencies are expressed in relationship to each other in pairing. Forex charges will always display how much of the currency on the right hand side is necessary to buy a unit of the currency on the left hand side. Looking at the chart you will notice the last price displayed on a given date. This number is always highlighted. The time is recorded horizontally across the bottom of a chart and the price scale is displayed vertically along the right hand edge of the chart. The time and the price are often in all caps to help the trader remember that technical analysis is about the relationship between time and price. That is a fundamental rule of this type of relationship.
There are many ways to observe the price and time movement on a chart. These include bars, lines, point and figure, and Japanese candle sticks, the most popular method. With the candlestick method there is a fat, red section that is the body of the candlestick. Lines protrude from the top and bottom and they are the upper and lower wicks. When you look at al the candles on a chart it is clear that bodies can be difference sizes and sometimes there is no body at all. The same is true with wicks. Candle wicks can be of many difference sizes, or there may be no wick at all. The length of the body and the length of the wick are determined by the price range for the candle. Longer candles will have had more price movement during the time that they were open. The top of a candle wick is the highest price for that currency while the wick’s bottom is the lowest price. A candle or currency is bullish when the close of the candle is higher than the open. In English this means that there were more buyers than there were sales during the opening time period. Sometimes the candles will not have wicks. The price opened and it dropped off until it closed.
Forex charts are not a sure fire method, but they are a tool that can help a trader. Many forex traders use charts on a regular basis. Historical trends do have their place in forex trading as most traders will admit, and using the charts to track historical trends can assist a trader in making a decision today.
Often the charts are online rather than on paper. By joining a service that provides the charts via the internet a trader is able to stay very current indeed on currency activity. Charts can be checked on a minute to minute basis. For those who primarily do their trading based on historical accuracy this can be a true help. Most forex traders however use a combination of the two approaches. They may chart historical trends, but they will also pay close attention to political, cultural and economic events within a nation. They may also use charts or other methods to check and see if a particular political event as a recent historical parallel that can be checked to determine how the currency behaved in past times. Simply following a system usually is not enough. A trader should also be, somewhat at least, a student of history and of economics. Using all the tools at your disposal will make you a better and stronger forex trader.