Why would one of the top traders in Forex give
another trader $50,000 to trade for him?
I have some very valuable information that hasn't hit
the streets yet. I actually heard about this a few
weeks ago but it took a few days to find out exactly
what's going on.
There's a new Sheriff in town! There's a trader from
the U.K. who even the gurus are talking about. He has
caused such a stir that one of the top traders
challenged him to trade one of his accounts as a
test. The results where so impressive that not only
did he allow him to continue trading, but he added
to the account.

Here's what's even more interesting - apparently
there is an underground video of the whole thing. I
am still digging, but I have been promised a sneak
peek of this video on Sunday so I will pass it on as
soon as I get it.
P.S. No one even knows this guy's name yet, that's
how underground this is. I will let you know how it goes on Sunday.
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