Hi Traders
Ok...I hope you're make a good step Today ...Why??? look at below...
Greed tends to keep a trader from closing out a position when a reasonable profit has
already been made, in the hope that the stock price will go even higher.
It’s very easy to be greedy in this business. You always want more. If you have made
100 points profit in a trade, you want 200. And the moment you have 200 points profit,
you start looking for 300. This lack of satisfaction is one reason why some people get
themselves in trouble.
So how would you avoid this feeling of greediness?
To avoid being greedy with your trading, you may want to know the reason behind that why
is it so easy to be greedy with the trading?
Greed stems from a belief that there’s never enough and there won’t be enough. A
greedy person will never be satisfied; he will always look for more no matter how much he already has.
It seems that the reason people are greedy when trading is because they take nonmarket
factors (like how badly they want money, why they want it, can they afford to risk
etc.) and apply them to the market and their trades.
But it makes no sense because your non-market factors will NEVER decide that which
way market should move. So your non-market decision like I want to buy a fancy watch
from this trade is not at all going to change the market direction.
Market will move the way it wants to move.
Recommended to review:To really 'ice the cake', they took a a few extra trades later that afternoon and by late evening on the same day, the balance had topped the $90,000 level - 35 trades, 100% winners - 260% gain in 9 trading days! Be prepared to learn the strategies and trade them properly - join the ranks of the professionals...
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