Saturday, January 28, 2012

If you missed the Forex Profit Predictor webinar...

Hi Traders

A lot has happened since I first writing about the
Forex Profit Predictor and things are happening
fast now.

I just got info from Derek Frey and he had 3 big
announcements I want to give you a heads up about.

First, the webinar with John Rawlins and Derek got
rave reviews.

Attendees got to see first hand how to accurately predict
the Forex using the aerospace algorithm he's refined for
over 31 years.

The proof (and excitement) was just overwhelming.

Second, Derek and John made a bold 'you decide' $7 trial
offer so that traders can actually experience the full
power of predictive technology firsthand.

Third, they just added an Metatrader 4 plug in that brings
the Forex Profit Predictor right into your trading platform.

As you can imagine, a flood of new members came in all at

Of the 1,000 subscriptions available, 956 are claimed.

Because there are only 44 spots left, there won't be time
for a replay of the webinar, though.

In fact, they're closing the doors Sunday at midnight, or
when the subscriptions are all claimed.

So, to be fair, what Derek and John have decided to do is
keep the full video presentation John did online as long
as there are spaces available:

You can watch it HERE until until they take it down...

I believe that the 1,000 traders who get access to a
real time predictive edge are going to be the most envied
group since the Turtles back in the 60's.

I strongly suggest you take some time tonight to decide
if this is for you.

I'll keep you posted as we get down to the wire...

For Your success

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Well That is All About to Changes

Hi Traders

What if you actually COULD predict any market's future direction
and be RIGHT most of the time?
And imagine making $2 million dollars in one DAY by going short
BEFORE a massive crash...
Not because of dumb luck or 'rolling the dice'...
But having a supreme degree of confidence going into the trade,
and knowing ahead of time that you were right.
Sounds like a pipedream, I know...
Yet that is exactly what happened when a former professional trader
had a chance meeting with a brilliant aerospace engineer, and then
they used real 'rocket science' to accurately forecast ANY market.
The results have been almost unimaginable.
He's been hauling in huge gains since the 1980's for his private
clients... and for himself.
In fact, this guy PUBLICLY predicted just about every major
swing in the stock market for the last 10 years straight in a
major trading magazine... As in BEFORE it happened...
He was even able to rake in $2 million in a day.
It's a jaw dropping true story!

If THIS doesn't get your blood pumping, I don't know what will.
Let me know what you think

For Your Success

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Your Financial Day of Independence!

Hi Traders

Hope that you had a great holidays season your's battery is recharged...
Financial Freedom in trading always starts with the pursuit of truth.

The Truth is Federal government cannot stimulate the economy
by Increased borrowing and manipulating demand across the
economy through wasteful deficit spending.

The Truth is that NO Government ... Nor ANY Money Manager
will ever create financial independence for you and your Family.

The Truth is ONLY you can create financial independence.
This is why it is necessary to join me this Thursday,
January 12th at 9pm EST, for a FREE session with an ex $50
Million dollar fund manager when he reveals the secrets
professional money managers would rather you not know.

Whether you are new at trading or a trading veteran I can
guarantee you that the Advanced Position Sizing Calculator
you will receive as a FREE Bonus just for being a guest on
next Thursday Night's webinar is a valuable trading tool
you’ll use for increasing profits and decreasing risks in the
years to come.

The one tool alone can turn any average system into a winning
system. It is yours for Free for just attending his Free Webinar,
Thursday, January 12th at 9pm EST.

Don’t miss out to register for your f.r.e.e seat at the January 12th, Thursday night at 9PM EST

Here is a short list of some of the concepts he will be teaching:

- Two simple tricks that instantly remove 95% of your emotions
in trading. Since we know fear and greed are the number one
killers of traders, this info could improve your trading now.

- A little known position sizing trick that can double your returns,
regardless of what market or system you trade.

- Why money managers who only risk 1-2% per trade still make
great returns.

- How some hedge funds hunt stops and a simple trick to avoid
being trapped.

- Why trading is not a "zero sum game" and what this means for
the average trader.

- How to make strong profits using the daily charts and trading
only 10 minutes per night.

- One of his profit target strategies. He has 4 in total and gives one away.

- How Jim Rogers, Warren Buffett, and others became great
traders and investors.

- What the "gurus" selling hype trading courses are hiding
from you AND

- Six easy ways to spot a counterfeit "trading teacher"
from a mile away.

- How to not be vague with your entries and stops like when
others say: "Buy a few cents, ticks, or pips above ___."

- A little known, no cost, scanner tool that can help you right now.

All that in an hour? Certainly sounds like a good use of an hour
of your time? I promise it won’t be a waste of your time! He
will share a little of his story, but most of the hour will be spent
showing you how to improve your trades.

We expect to be packed out Thursday, January 12th at 9pm EST
... especially since this invitation is going out to thousands of

Click here to register for your f.r.e.e seat at the Thursday
night webinar.

Hope to see you there,