Hi Traders
Before then we start new trading year...let's use several days of this year to learn some new trading tactics...It's
-The Forex Income Engine 2.0
This step-by-step home study course from 35+ year trader Bill
Poulos is a multi-media powerhouse that reveals the quickest &
most flexible way to achieve INDEPENDENCE in the Forex markets &
shield yourself from risk...
-ESPECIALLY if you're inexperienced & have little time.
In just about a week, the initial # of courses Bill set aside
for his new students quickly sold out, and for good reason:
-those lucky individuals who claimed their copy before it
expired figured out that NOW is one of the best times ever to
trade Forex because of the huge volatility being created by the
weakened global economies.
The profit potential right now is awesome.
Now that the initial wave of new student inquiries has settled
down a bit, Bill has decided to take on a few more new students
- but only through Friday, January 1st, 2010, at 11:59pm
Eastern (New York time).
(He's doing this because of all the requests he received from
people who missed out earlier in the month due to busy holiday
He's not saying how many more he'll take on, but I know this for
a fact:
* He's only letting in a small, limited number...
* The doors close on 1/1/10...
And, it would not surprise me if he pulled his 'second chance'
offer down early, especially if he gets more students than he
can handle.
So, if you have ANY interest in getting in on what I think many
traders will end up calling THE Forex event of 2009, go here to
see if any copies are still available...
Happy New Year
All The Best in New Year...