Hi Traders
This is quck holidays update....hope you're enjoying in this great celebration days...I just got a note from Bill Poulos, developer of the brand new
Forex Income Engine home study course, where he shares some
actual feedback from some of his new students who picked up the
course a few weeks ago.
These are 'raw & unedited', but I thought I'd share them with
you in case you're 'on the fence' about picking up a copy of
this course before the current 'second chance' offer comes down
this Thursday, January 1st.
"Hi Bill, I know you will probably hear it a lot, but just to
let you know that on my first paper trading tryout with the
methods I racked up 46 pips in 3 trades of maybe 10-30 minutes
each. One in 15 min candles, and the others in 5 min candles. If
my trade account would permit, that would have been $460USD, or
in home country dollars, about $867 NZD. One trade before dinner
and two since.
ciao 4 now.
thanks 4 your methods. john k."*
"Your videos are excellent. I had some reservation about the
complexity of this method but I can see that it is not that
difficult once you master it... I am very glad I purchased your
product... Keep up the great work.
David K."
"Thus far am very pleased with the method. Every trader has
heard the old axiom to 'bu y on a dip and sell on a rally'. The
problem for me with that saying has always been that I had
difficulty telling the difference between a pullback and a price
reversal. I am particularly impressed with the rules of this
method that help distinguish that difference. So far I have had
four wi nning trades and no losses on my demo account and am up
about 3% after 3 days of trading. I look forward to seeing how
the method works this coming week. Thanks for a terrific course!
Steve J."
To join Bill's students, see if any copies of his course are
available here... Happy New Year...
Hi Traders
Hope you're enjoying in this season of holidays...
Earlier this month, I let you in on what has turned out to
be one the biggest Forex surprises of the year:
-The Forex Income Engine
This step-by-step home study course from 30+ year trader
Bill Poulos is a multi-media powerhouse that reveals the
quickest & most flexible way to achieve INDEPENDENCE in the
Forex markets & shield yourself from risk...
-ESPECIALLY if you're inexperienced & have little time.
In just about a week, the initial # of courses Bill set
aside for his new students quickly sold out, and for good
reason: those lucky individuals who claimed their copy
before it expired figured out that NOW is one of the best
times ever to trade Forex because of the huge volatility
being created by the weakened global stock markets.
The profit potential right now is awesome.
Now that the initial wave of new student inquiries has
settled down a bit, Bill has decided to take on a few more
new students - but only through Thursday, January 1st, 2009,
at 11:59pm Eastern (New York time).
He's not saying how many more he'll take on, but I know this
for a fact:
* He's only letting in a small, limited number...
* The doors close on 1/1/09...
And, it would not surprise me if he pulled his 'second
chance' offer down early, especially if he gets more
students than he can handle.
So, if you have ANY interest in getting in on what I think
many traders will end up calling THE Forex event of 2008, go
here to see if any copies are still available... Good Trading..and Happy Holidays
p.s. If you missed Bill's awesome complimentary 'Flexible
Forex' training videos, you can still see them there...
Hi Traders
How are you...are you take preparation for Holiday's...before then you start celebrate take a few min. to introducing with new trading information...
Great traders aren’t born, they’re made.
The fact is, without a seasoned mentor, you are going nowhere fast…
And no one knows that better than my friend, Tony Wong. You see, Tony
was caught in the downward spiral of buying trading system after
system, struggling to make ends meet, and losing just like I was (and
I bet that YOU are too).
Until he met his friend “Charlie” (not his real name).
“Charlie” is an elite trader and member of a very limited group that
trades forex daily for immense profit. “Charlie” is SO good at what
he does, that he consults for major financial institutions worldwide
(now you see why I can’t use his real name here ;-)
And for some reason (we don’t know why) “Charlie” took a big liking
to Tony and started to let him in on the powerful secret tips and
strategies that he uses daily to make fortunes for himself and his
fat cat institutional clients.
Luckily for us, Tony hasn’t forgotten his roots, and has decided to
share these insanely profitable secrets with us too.
And for a very limited time (until “Charlie” finds out) he’s willing
to do it for less than half off the regular price- but only for the
first 100 responders.
So get off the downward losing spiral, and get these powerful secrets
of the trading elite today. You have nothing to lose except your
losing trading strategies!
Happy Holidays
Hi Traders
I hope that you satisfied with your trading result in past trading week...
Once you learn these few amazingly yet simple secrets, you can too, take advantage of the market and rake in pips!
Let me share with you this true story, and I hate to use this word "story" because it has a fictional implication to it, but as you read on you'll see some irrefutable proof of this $100,000 gain...
An average retail Forex trader, let's just call him Mr. H., was able to generate a whopping 126% return (or his account grew to 226%) on his live account in less than 90 days! To put a dollar amount, he was able to make $101,803.84 gross from a $75,000 account...
You see, Mr. H. started trading Forex a few years back, and he learned how to trade based on technical indicators, like 95% of Forex Traders out there; he would have some good days and then some bad days. During real bad days he would have a margin call or two on his account, a typical overleveraged dreamer, AKA Retail Forex Trader.
It was during one of his late-night internet surfing sessions, searching for that elusive holy grail Forex system, that he stumbled upon a new way to look at the market, and he hasn't been the same since...
What Mr. H. realized was that Forex market moves because of fundamental news releases; if you can anticipate fundamentals, you can OWN the market.
The funny thing is that this information is not some top wall-street market secret (if such a thing exists), but a combination of some good old common sense and psychology; somehow 95% of traders are just hopelessly blind to its existence...
It's like this, "In the land of the blind, the one eye man is King!" While majority of traders either don't know or don't care about this amazing fact, you can start to cash in on this amazing information...
And according to Mr. H., in his own words, after he *cracked* the code on Forex news trading, he felt so embarrassed about how clueless he was during all of those previous years he spent at trading, which was one of the main reasons that compelled him to share this information...
And this information is NOT trading news spikes. As you know, many brokers hate news traders, and the reason is when an important news is released, there aren't any bids in the market; in order to fulfill your order, your broker has to take all of the risk, essentially your gain is his loss... and if we are sure of one constant in Forex retail trading, that would be brokers are here to make money...
Not only your broker will love you for using this information, you will also be able to stop fighting over the scraps and leftover pips during news releases time, and take advantage of market sentiment and pick up the entire 3-course meal with dessert at minimum risk.

So, if you are ready to transform your Forex Trading, (or options, or commodity, or even stocks for that matter) you need to get a hold of Mr. H's information (and yes, you'll see his LIVE account statement)...
But I feel it's only fair to warn you that Mr. H. is under a lot of pressure from investors, brokers, and savvy internet marketers. Apparently when you can turn $75K into $175K in 90 days, you'll get a line of people outside of your office waiting to give you money to trade...
So if I were you I'd not take any chances because although he is still offering his "secret" for now, there is no guarantee that he won't strike a deal with a major Forex Company and bury this information forever, so GET IT WHILE IT LASTS.
To your success!
Hi Traders
Hope that your trading position going strong this trading week...
At 11:59pm Eastern time TONIGHT, December 16th, the step-by-
step trading course that's turning the Forex community on
its ear is being PULLED FROM THE MARKET.
That's right - you only have 12 hours (or less) to get your
hands on the Forex Income Engine.
And depending on when you read this message, it may already
be too late.
Check the live inventory counter here...
Just last week the doors opened for a rare glimpse into what
could quite possibly be the turning point you've been
looking for in your Forex trading. The only way to know is
if you act quickly enough to join the "charter" group of new
students who are already on board...
...and there's only room for a few more...
Will you join this select group of smart traders that will
have unfettered email access to a 30+ year market veteran
for a FULL YEAR?
See how this is one of the quickest and most flexible ways
to achieve Forex INDEPENDENCE (& shield yourself from
risk)... especially if you are inexperienced & have little
Good Trading,
p.s. If you see a "sold out" message when you get to that
page, please put your name on the waiting list. If the
developer decides to ever offer this course again, you may
be among the first to be contacted. However, I can't say
when that may happen...
Hi Traders
Hope you're enjoying in this pre-holiday's weekend... before then you start new trading week...take a few minuts to review...Fap Turbo-super robot...Did you know that the last days fapturbo pushed the mini usd 370 usd account with interbank fx close to the usd 4,000 ?? also the usd 2,500 is scratching the usd 8000!!
You just got this weekend to grab it at the introductory offer! Check the executed trades watch some of the extremely positive feedback on the web and make an informed decision. But act quickly!
Or you may end up buying it nevertheless in a few weeks when everybody got a head start and a couple of thousands more in the bank!
Hi Traders
Hopw you approach to the end of this trading week successfuly...
When you're learning a new way to trade the markets,
sometimes there's nothing better than having a master trader
show you "live and in person" how it's done.
That's why I'm excited to announce that 30+ year trader Bill
Poulos is adding on 4 hours of complimentary group coaching
if you join him as a student of his new Forex Income Engine
home study course.
After you enroll, you'll get access to 2 live "web-seminars"
where you can get your questions answered directly by Bill.
You'll see a live feed from his trading computer as he shows
you chart after chart and answers your questions.
Now, Bill normally only does this level of group coaching
for his super high-end coaching program which can cost
upwards of $10,000 or more. So this is really a unique
chance for you get close to Bill for a fraction of the cost.
All the details are here...
NEW TRADE VIDEOS <--- (see how it's working RIGHT NOW) ---------------- Bill also posted some new live trade videos for you that he recorded this week that you have to see. He just did these in his spare time, with no stress or strain, and he shows you how you can do it to. What if you could sit down at your computer when you had an extra 30 minutes and then walk away with a tidy profit from a quick Forex trade? * That's what his Forex Income Engine course is all about. But it's coming off the market next Tuesday, December 16th, at 11:59pm, so if you're still on the fence about joining him, be sure to check out everything you get here...
Good Trading,
Hi Traders
Hope that you fine this trading week...
(Be sure to read this short note because this
gives you access to a brand new Forex method
that 'flip flops' the approach most people take...
...and shows you how select groups of traders can
get in on the huge volatility in the Forex markets
RIGHT NOW that's being created by the problems in
the other global markets)
Here's what's up...
In the past week, nearly 77,000 traders got exclusive access to
30+ trader Bill Poulos's complimentary 3-part "Flexible Forex"
training videos...
-these videos revealed his recent Forex discovery that shows you
how to manage risk first when placing a trade, and THEN look for
a profit as quickly as possible (and as many times a day as
possible) all according to YOUR schedule.
So if you have ANY interest in discovering how to finally become
an INDEPENDENT trader in the Forex markets, where you always
know what to do, no matter what happens... keep reading and GET
Bill released a few copies of his new trading method to a few
groups of "beta testers" last month, and from the early feedback
he's been receiving, it looks like this may be a turning point
in Forex trading.
Because Bill does everything in his power to give you the "keys
to the kingdom" where you understand EXACTLY what to do when you
go to place a trade. There's never any second guessing or
CAUTION: This is NOT for "systems junkies", or individuals who
like to let others make their trading decisions.
==> But it IS for traders who like to have FULL CONTROL of their
destiny in the markets.
Bill designed this new method with YOU and YOUR schedule in
mind. It's all about giving you the flexibility you need in your
busy day to trade in as little as 20 minutes... or even all day
long if that's what you have time for...
-but he's only planning on releasing 250 copies in the next week
that show you how to find trade setups quickly, protect your
position with a sort of "risk shield", and then look for profit
as fast as possible so you can move on to the next trade.
So if you want to...
* Triple your profit potential by simultaneously looking at the
short, intermediate, and longer-term trends and then
automatically using the dominant trend to virtually ensure your
edge and give you the best chance for a successful trade...
* Get started quickly and place your first trade with as little
as a $500 trading account when you use "mini lots"...
* Trade in as little as 20 minutes, or all day long, by
customizing your daily trading plan with the timeframes of your
choice to fit your changing schedule. Also choose a conservative
or aggressive approach to profit-taking on every trade
consistent with your trading style and personality...
* Enjoy frequent and fast trades from start to finish by quickly
identifying only the highest-probability, lowest-risk trades...
* Practically "rub out" account-crippling losses by using simple
yet profoundly powerful risk management rules. It's like having
a Forex "Risk Shield" so you're protected at all times...
* Become an independent trader and stop relying on so-called
gurus, black box systems, or other gimmicks. Be totally
confident when you know what to do every time, no matter what
happens in the markets...
...then check out the open letter Bill wrote for you that
describes all the details...
I hope you're as excited as I am about this.
Good Trading,
Forex.DelijaWorld.com p.s. I've seen this developer's trading courses disappear in a
matter of days in the past, and it's a near certainty it will
happen again... so IF YOU VALUE YOUR TIME, I really urge you to
check out his letter here, and then ask yourself how what he has
to say stacks up against how YOU currently trade...
Hi Traders
Read every word of this post because it has BIG NEWS for
you if you trade Forex (or have always wanted to)...
*** BIG NEWS ITEM #1 ***
I just got my hands on Part 3 of Bill Poulos's new Forex
training video series.
This one is cool, and very unique... it shows a "live"
recording of Bill trading during lunchtime using his new
"Flexible Forex" method.
See it here... You'll see a live, intra-day chart of the US Dollar /
Japanese Yen pair... HEADS UP - if you listen closely, you
can even hear Bill eating his lunch :-)
When you watch the video, put yourself in his shoes and
imagine what it would be like. Then ask yourself if you can
see yourself trading this way.
I think you'll agree that it's pretty exciting.
*** BIG NEWS ITEM #2 ***
Ever since Bill released Part 1 of his new Forex video
training, his office has been getting bombarded with emails
asking things like:
* Is there a way to get more details on this method?
* Are you going to release more training?
* How can I get started?
HERE'S THE DEAL... Bill is going to reveal all the details
of this method in a brand new home study course he calls:
"The Forex Income Engine"
He originally planned on releasing this in January as a way
to kick off the new year, but because of so many requests,
he decided to move it up and plans on releasing the entire
course NEXT TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9th, at Noon Eastern time.
*** BIG NEWS ITEM #3 *** <-- (you'll LOVE this!) I'll send you more info on Bill's new course as soon as I have it... but in the meantime, he's celebrating with something I think you'll LOVE... * Bill's going to give away the very first copy of the Forex Income Engine to one lucky trader next week. For all the details on how to join the giveaway, just go the
Video 3 page here...
...and follow the link in the lower-right corner of the page
after you watch the video.
It's not every day we get to sink our teeth into this much
complimentary, juicy Forex content as well as participate in
a big giveaway "on the house"... so I hope you are enjoying
it as much as I am...
More soon...
Good Trading,
Hi Traders
Did you watch Part 1 of the brand new video Forex training I
post yesterday that reveals 30+ year trading veteran
Bill Poulos's recent Forex discovery?
It's already shaking things up and breaking old paradigms in
the Forex trading community. See what one trader had to say:
"I have been trading the Forex markets for 3 years, and I
can honestly say this is probably one of the most
interesting videos I have seen. Bill, you have a gift of
being able to explain a method that every one can
understand, look forward to your next video..."
And that's just 1 of over 100 similar comments posted just
yesterday afternoon...
-but wait until you see the next video...
* PART 2 is ready now!
It's called...
* "Flexible Forex" F.R.E.E.D.O.M. In Action
See it here...
In the first video, you saw a high level overview of how all
the turmoil in the world right now is creating possibly the
best profit potential we've ever seen in the Forex
- and then you saw the flexible method Bill discovered that
lets you trade as little or as much as you want... WHENEVER
you want.
In Part 2, he "zooms in" and shows you, step-by-step, how he
quickly and easily spots trade setups...
* In all 6 major Forex pairs
* In any timeframe
Part of his discovery is the completely uncommon way he uses
candlesticks... I'm not aware of anyone using them this way,
and that's why it's so powerful.
(And no, he's NOT using "candlestick patterns")
You'll also learn:
* Why you want to place your stop orders where you DON'T
expect the market to go...
* How to get into a "F.R.E.E. trade" situation ASAP with all
your Forex trades...
* How to handle losing trades like a pro...
* The kind of market you MUST avoid at all costs...
* His "super simple" risk management rules that even an 8th
grader could understand and were inspired by EINSTEIN...
* A "hands-on" overview of some excellent broker-supplied
charting and trading software that makes Forex trading
easier than ever...
* ...and a TON more.
Go here to see this video now...
Make sure you take notes on these videos, because he will
likely be pulling them offline next week.
Good Trading,Forex.DelijaWorld.com
p.s. If you missed Part 1, you can see it here...
Hi Traders
Hope you're well in this trading week... take a few minutes to improve your trading knowledge...
Earlier this year, during a late-night Forex trading
research session, one of the industry's most respected
trading educators made a discovery around day trading Forex
that he's finally ready to share with you...
-and from what I've seen, NO ONE is trading Forex like this
(yet)... not to mention this completely turns traditional
"day trading" on its ear...
He recorded a new training video this past weekend that
"pulls back the covers" on this discovery & reveals how you
can shield your portfolio from risk...
-especially if you're inexperienced & have little time.
Watch it here...
During his research, he confirmed what I (and others)
suspected for a long time:
* The collapsing global stock markets and economies are
creating pressures that, in turn, are creating more profit
potential than we've ever seen before in the Forex markets.
That may come as a big surprise, especially if you're new to
trading... but he explains in his training video why this is
happening, and how you can get in on it.
You'll also discover:
* 2 "retracement tricks" most traders flat-out MISS, which,
if you know how to spot them, can turn an otherwise losing
trade into a profit powerhouse...
* The huge "edge" you get over other traders when you
automatically identify the predominant trend at any point in
time... and then "throw yourself in front of it"...
* The #1 key to trading Forex you MUST do EVERY SINGLE TIME
before you place a trade before even thinking about profit.
When you do this, you automatically "up the odds" that a
profit will unfold...
* ...and a TON more.
If you're interested in Forex, or have been a little
"spooked" by what's been going on in the markets, then this
may be the most important trading video you'll ever see this
Why? Because after you watch it, you'll be SCRAMBLING to
start trading Forex this way...
It finally brings flexibility and customization to Forex day
trading so that ANYONE can have an "edge", whether you only
have 20 minutes to trade, or if you have all day. Your
It's awesome (and surprisingly simple)...
Watch it here...
Good Trading,
p.s. Due to server limitations, this video might not be
online for long, so make sure you watch it TODAY here...